Affordable Housing
• Economic viability appraisals and tool-kits
• Local authority negotiation
• Development site appraisals for affordable housing purposes
• S106 and affordable rental package sales to RPs and private sector investors
• Advice on market sector build to rent packages
• Affordable housing financing and delivery options.
Affordable housing is an integral component of residential and mixed-use developments and has become an asset class it its own right. The FoddyConsult affordable housing team provides a nationwide consultancy service to the affordable housing sector. Members of the firm have extensive experience acting for Registered Social Landlords, Local Authorities, private landlords, developers and Institutions.
We have the experience and expertise to advise on how best to approach and manage the complex issue of affordable housing as part of the development process and as an investment product. Whether the client is looking to construct an economic viability assessment, negotiate a S106 agreement or consider the investment opportunities associated with affordable housing, FoddyConsult can provide the right solution.